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Video Dental Hygiene Facts


Did you know?

Broadway Dental recently introduced a ‘talking” community poster campaign that allows passersby to place their smartphone over the mouth of each poster spokesperson and hear some of these interesting dental hygiene facts.

Good Health

Did you know smiles help boost your immune system? Sickness doesn’t stand a chance as long as you are showing those pearly whites. Smiles relax your body, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system. Smiling also lifts your face, which can make you look younger! Stop by Broadway Dental and let your smile shine.

Smile More

Did you know that if you are feeling stressed you should try cracking a smile? Not only does smiling make you happier it also reduces blood pressure! With the reduced blood pressure also comes lower heart rate, which means a smaller chance of developing heart disease. Stop by Broadway Dental and let your smile shine.


Did you know smiling produces endorphins in your brain? Endorphins make you feel better by telling your brain you are doing something you enjoy. Not only does smiling produce a feeling of happiness but it can create a sense of satisfaction as well. Stop by Broadway Dental today and let your smile shine!

Did you know smiles help boost your immune system? Sickness doesn’t stand a chance as long as you are showing those pearly whites. Smiles relax your body, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system. Smiling also lifts your face, which can make you look younger! Stop by Broadway Dental and let your smile shine.

Did you know that if you are feeling stressed you should try cracking a smile? Not only does smiling make you happier it also reduces blood pressure! With the reduced blood pressure also comes lower heart rate, which means a smaller chance of developing heart disease. Stop by Broadway Dental and let your smile shine.

53 Muscles

Did you know that smiling uses anywhere from 5 to 53 muscles every time you smile? While you are working out your smile, watch for other smilers; much like yawning, smiling is contagious. Besides smiling, Vitamin D is another great way to keep your teeth and mouth strong. Stop by Broadway Dental and let your smile shine.

Did you know that if you are feeling down, forcing yourself to smile could make you feel better? Psychologist studies have shown that making yourself smile can instantly cause a boost in your mood. This comes from the rise in serotonin and the release of endorphins that occur when you smile. Stop by Broadway Dental today and let your smile shine.