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What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that involves the diagnosis and correction of poorly aligned teeth and jaws, or in general, giving patients a healthy smile. Orthodontic care involves the use of dental appliances, such as braces or clear aligners, to:

  • Straighten teeth
  • Correct an irregular bite
  • Adjust the spacing or gaps between teeth
  • Bring teeth and lips into proper alignment

Broadway Dental proudly offers ClearCorrect clear aligners to patients looking for orthodontic services.

Why ClearCorrect?

You deserve a smile you can be proud of, and ClearCorrect can make it happen. Our clear aligners are comfortable, removable, and, best of all, nearly invisible. Most people won’t even notice that you’re wearing them. And because you can easily remove the aligners to eat, you don’t have to change your diet like you might with braces. You can show off your smile with almost no impact on your daily life.

Some severe cases of misalignment do require metal braces, but most patients can be treated just as effectively with clear aligners. The cost and length of treatment are generally comparable. Why wouldn’t you choose ClearCorrect?

How does it work?

Your doctor will take photos, x-rays, and impressions or scans of your teeth, then prescribe the tooth movements you need to achieve your ideal smile.

We’ll create a 3D model of your mouth and then a series of clear plastic aligners custom-fitted to your teeth. Each aligner will apply targeted pressure to the teetn selected by your doctor, slowly moving them into alignment.

Your doctor will check on your progress periodically and give you new sets of aligners to wear. Most treatment takes several months or longer, but you may start to see results right away.

What can it do?

Clear aligners can treat a wide variety of issues that keep people from achieving their ideal smiles. Straighter teeth don’t just look better; they work better too. Poorly-aligned teeth can interfere with bite function, wear out faster, and are more prone to cavities. Ask your doctor how ClearCorrect can help you.

Looking for more information?

Click here to visit the ClearCorrect website