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Sleep Apnea and Snoring Relief

Snoring and sleep apnea are not the same condition.

Snoring is simply the sound that occurs when soft tissues in the mouth and throat vibrate as a person breathes.

Sleep apnea involves complete airway blockage for periods of 10 seconds or longer repeatedly during a sleep session. While snoring is not dangerous, sleep apnea increases a person’s risk for stroke, heart attack, daytime fatigue, irritability, and other issues.

How we can help: Sleep apnea should be diagnosed by a sleep lab – your dentist can recommend a reputable facility. We now offer an at home sleep study through watermark.

Traditionally, a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) appliance is the gold standard for sleep apnea treatment. However, many patients do not respond well to CPAP because of a poor fit, claustrophobia or discomfort.

For these patients, and others, a sleep appliance may be recommended. Your dentist can create a custom sleep guard to hold your lower jaw slightly forward, which prevents soft tissues from blocking airflow. Many patients find relief from this non-invasive solution.

Broadway Dental wants to help you relieve your sleep apnea. For more information, please schedule an appointment with your dentist.